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For now, I have 80 pages of my biggest work. Well, it supposed to be 120 pages top (it means, 120 minutes of full feature movie), bo it looks like, I'm not even in half of the story. So later on, I will have to cut, cut and cut once again. Certainly, I will leave full, long script, so maybe tv series can become available. The best would be 90 pages, because modern people can't focus for too long. Movies llike "Metropolis" had 230 minutes, not 90. But it was a long time ago.
So, once upon a time, like a few months ago, I was in cinema with lovely girl. She likes to sit bare feet in cinema and together with this movie I loved, it inspired me. That making a movie is so simple thing. Yes. So many crap films are produced every year. So much money wasted. I don't what my movie will be like (and no matter what I will achieve this goal), but won't be worse than all I see now. And I know, I can make a good movie, what I showed in my life. But for the first time it will full feature movie.
Writing a screenplay is the most wonderful thing I have ever done. Reading Seneka's work is marvelous, making a movie was brilliant experience, but writing is astonishing. It's something between writing a book and a raport to your boss. I'm not Thomas Hardy to write such great descriptions of world around. But I can do it for the screenplay. I have all in my mind, in my imagination, in pages of my memory. It's all in me. Well, maybe I'm big headed, but my mind is great! :-)  I have a lot to show and to share. So, writing a screenplay is giving what I have and allowing - in the same time - to show different perspective by the director. My words which I write can't be put into too long sentences. Half of what we say is meaningless. So, after writing 20 words, I need to think, how to put the same essence in 10 words. The rest will do what the viewer will see. Words need to be sharp, direct, sometimes like aphorism or bon mot.You have only one page for one minute of movie. This creation is thrilling. Well, this time I don't put my imagination to work to invent the story, because the story already exists and it happened for real. I have plenty of ideas even for the science-fiction of fantasy movies. But nevertheless, its upon my imgination how to show the story to be interesting for everyone and to make them feel that it's also a part of their life. It has to contains universal ideas, feelings, common to most of the people. To write it's the most fascinating thing.
When I will finish the story, it will time to rest for a week. Than to come back to my screenplay and correct everything what I don't like. After that, ready to go. No time to loose.


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