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Michael Jackson

For a long time I didn't listen to his songs. I didn't even know, that so many songs were released. Or after death of Michael, or with special editions of his LP's.
He was always singing about important issues, like poverty, environment. But this was a surprise to me. It's about an abortion. It's "Song groove" from "Bad" times. The subtitle is "Abortion papers". Well, it's worth to listen to it, doesn't matter if you're for or against abortion. Good job, Mike. 

Sister don’t read, she’ll never know
What about love?
Living a Christian soul
What do we get, she runs away
What about love?
What about all I pray

Don’t know the worst, she knows a atheist
What about God?
Living is all I see
What do you get, things she would say
What about love?
That’s all I pray

Those abortion papers
Signed in your name against the words of God
Those abortion papers
Think about life, I’d like to have my child

Sister confused, she went alone
What about love?
What about all I saw?
Biding a life, reading the words
Singing a song, citing a Bible verse

Father's confused, mother despair
Brother's in curse
What about all I've seen?
You know the lie, you keep it low
What about heart?
That’s all I’ve known

Those abortion papers
Signed in your name against the words of God
Those abortion papers
Think about life, I’d like to have my child

Those abortion papers (Hoo!)
Signed in your name against the words of God
Those abortion papers
Think about life, I’d like to have my child

Look at my words, what do they say?
Look at my heart, burning is all heartbreak
What do you get?
What do you say?
What about love?
Feel my sin

Those abortion papers
Signed in your name against the words of God
Those abortion papers
Think about life, I’d like to have my child

Those abortion papers (Hoo!)
Think about life, I’d like to have my child

Who have the grateful?
Where will she go?
What will she do to see the world?

Sister don’t know, where would she go
What about life?
What about all I saw?
What would you do?
Don’t get so confuse
Love all the things
It’s just the things I do

Those abortion papers
Signed in your name against the words of God
Those abortion papers
Think about life, I’d like to have my child

Those abortion papers
(Abortion paper)
(This paper) (Hee-Hee)
Those abortion papers (Hee Hee-Hee Hee Hee-Hee)
I’d like to have my child (Hee-Hee Hee Hee-Hee)

Those abortion papers
(Hee-Hee Hee Hee-Hee)
(Hee Hee-Hee Hee Hee-Hee)
Those abortion papers (Hee-Hee Hee Hee-Hee)
I’d like to have my child (Hee-Hee Hee Hee-Hee)
Those abortion papers (Hee-Hee Hee Hee-Hee)
(Hee-Hee Hee-Hee)


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Dorota Kwiatkowska-Rae

Obejrzałem film "Thais". Film o pokusach, chrześcijaństwie, ascezie, filozofii, pogaństwie i rozpuście. Po raz pierwszy zetknąłem się tam z aktorką, która - poza aktorstwem - tak hojnie prezentowała swoje wdzięki. Okazało się, że to Dorota Kwiatkowska-Rae i dawno temu wyjechała z Polski. Piękna, faktycznie. Chyba obok Marii Probosz, najwspanialsza dama aktu w polskim kinie. Obejrzałem jeszcze dwa filmy z jej udziałem: "Akwarele" oraz "Widziadło". "Thais", mimo ciekawej problematyki i wspaniałych aktorów, jednak nie ujął mnie mocniej. Motyw miłości i jej odmian (od apage po erotyczną) jest tak pulsujący, a nie został dobrze wykorzystany. Pokusa i zwycięstwo Natury nad myślą i ascezą mnicha oraz z kolei zwycięstwo wiary nad seksualnością Thais to motyw, który powinien odżyć w naprawdę dobrej produkcji. Książki - na motywach której powstał film - nie będziemy recenzować. Mógłbym równie dobrze pisać o całej filozofii czy pismach św.


To chyba jedne z najpiękniejszych zdjęć, jakie widziałem. To prawdopodobnie Ukrainka. Wspaniałe zdjęcia, delikatne, z uczuciem i ciepłem. Wyjątkowej urody kobieta. Nawet moja baba nie była zazdrosna to takie dzieło sztuki.